Author Guidelines
The aims of journal:
Research papers of the Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava is a scientific journal, issued twice a year. The Journal publishes only reviewed and original scientific articles that have not been published so far in another journal (either in other languages) or conference proceedings, and neither are in the editorial process in another journal. Papers are written by experts in a given field of the Faculty research, it publishes reviewed and original articles written by the experts in the Faculty research fields. Contributions of PhD students and their supervisors involved in the areas related to the Faculty research are also invited. Although the printed version of the Journal is available, all issues are free to download from the Journal web page.
Open Access/OpenAir
The Journal of Research Papers of the STU Faculty of Materials Science and Technology supports Open Access philosophy. The Open Access philosophy provides unrestricted access to research and related publications free of charge without infringing copyright.
Creative Commons is a liberal form of copyright protection widely used in open access publications. The Creative Commons licenses allow you to share and re-use papers under specified terms. This journal is published under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license and allows others to download works and share them with others.
H2020 Project Publications – all H2020 projects must provide open access to all reviewed scientific publications resulting from project activities. Access should be secured immediately or 6/12 months after publishing.
All authors must adhere to the Declaration of Compliance with Publishing Ethics. All contributions are subject to anonymous review (provided by the MTF STU AlumniPress). Uncategorized contributions will be returned to the author.
Language of articles
English. Contributions were edited for linguistic accuracy (STU MTF AlumniPress Publishing House)
Use the template
1. Identification marks:
a) Title of the article
b) Author (s)
• Full name and surname of author(s), affiliation, affiliation address, e-mail address
• STU authors follow the STU Rector’s Directive No. 1/2016-SR “Unified listing of the STU workplaces for publishing the scientific papers in English
c) Abstract – 1500 characters max.
• Edit according to the STN ISO 214: 1998 Documentation – Abstracts (papers) for publications and documentation (01 0194)
d) Keywords – 3 min., 5 max.
• Use the Keyword Register
• Use of Elsevier indexes is recommended (e.g. topic ScienceDirect, source:
2. Content of article:
I. Introduction
II. Main part (background, analysis, research, material and methodology of experiment)
III. Attained scientific results
IV. Discussion on results
V. Conclusion
VI. List of bibliographic references:
Bibliographic references in the text are to be given in the Latin alphabet in brackets [1].
o Autocitations are acceptable up to 10% maximum of the total amount of citations.
o Bibliographical references (examples)
All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references in the following form:
[1] MAKYŠOVÁ, H., SANIUK, A. 2015. Logistics Controlling Tools as a Need of Successful Management. 1st ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2015. 128 p. ISBN 978-1-78447-934-3.
Článok v konferenčnom zborníku:
[2] TURŇA, M., NESVADBA, P., ROLC, S., ČAPLOVIČ, Ľ., TURŇOVÁ, Z. 2008. Production of bimetallic and trimetallic materials by explosion welding and allied processes. In: 4th International Scientific Conference of the Military Technical College. The 13th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering: Arab Republic of Egypt, Cairo, pp. 48- 60. ISBN XXX-X-XXXX-XXX-X.
Článok v časopise:
[3] JURČI, P., BÍLEK, P., PODGORNIK, B. 2017. Cr2N0.62-11Ag adaptive nanocomposite thin films: Transport of Ag solid lubricant during annealing in a closed-air atmosphere. Thin Solid Films, 639(7), 127-136. ISSN 0040-6090.
VII. ORCID identifiers of authors
3. Acknowledgements:
If the paper on the scientific research findings is an outcome of an implemented project, indicate the project name and number, and the name of agency.
Important deadlines and fees for submissions:
The journal is issued twice a year
Contributions to the 1st issue of the calendar year – submitted by April 30
Publishing of contributions the 1st issue of the calendar year – submitted by July 31
Contributions to the 2nd issue of the calendar year – submitted by August 31
Publishing of contributions the 2nd issue of the calendar year – submitted by November 30
Contributions should be delivered electronically (text editor + figures and schemes separately)
Publication fees: free of charge
Scope of article:
5 -8 pages including bibliographic references/links, figures, schemes, and tables.
Manuscript format:
Text editor: MS WORD, font Times New Roman, size 12, camera–ready
Top margins: top margin on 1st page – 6.0 cm, top margin on other pages – 2,5 cm
Lower margin: lower margin – 2,5 cm, left and right margin – 2,5cm
The SI system of units should be used in the article.
If possible, consult a recent issue of the journal to become familiar with the layout and conventions.
Figures and Tables:
- Original figures (indicate the source if using figures from other sources) should be sent both in the text of article and also separately. If the figures a graphics format (e.g. bmp, jpg, tiff, png). Half-tone figures (grey shade) should be electronically processed and presented in one of the recommended graphics formats. The article text, tables with headings and figure captions should be sent both in the text of article and also separately. Each figure should be presented as a separate file, e.g. Fig1.doc, Fig2.bmp, Fig3.jpg. Figures should be a minimum resolution of 600 dpi. Technically defective photographs will be refused. When a Figure contains more than 1 photograph, each should be labelled a, b, c… in the top right hand corner of the figures. The figures will be reduced for publication and so the font and figure sizes should be proportional: e.g. – the smallest used font size (height) should be 3.5 mm for a 10 cm square figure (5 mm and 7 mm for 15 cm and 20 cm square figures respectively). The plots and diagrams should be framed, and the axes labelled by appropriate symbols and their dimensions, the latter in round brackets.
- Tables should be concise and numbered with Arabic numerals and should contain text headers. Tables and figures should not duplicate the same information.